
Following the dissolution of the Academic Academies by Executive Decree, No. 01.11 of 14 January 2001, repealing Executive Decree No. 95-106 of 8 April 1995, relating to the establishment, organization and operation of the Academies, it is created by executive decree No. 01-208 of 23 July 2001, the National Conference of Universities and its regional bodies that are the Regional Conferences of the Universities Center, West and East.

Law No. 99 -05 of 18 Dhou El Hidja 1419 corresponding to April 4, 1999


Regional University Conferences are composed of the following members:

The heads of higher education research institutions located in the geographical area of ​​competence concerned;

Heads of research institutions reporting to the Minister responsible for higher education and located in the geographical area of ​​competence concerned;

The representative of the Director General of the National Office of Academic Works;

The representative of the Director General of the University Publications Office;

Each regional conference of universities is chaired by a member elected from among the heads of higher education institutions for a period of two (02) years renewable one (01) times.

Composition of the CRUO

The Regional Conference of Western Universities is composed of the following members:

- The President: Mr BENZIANE Abdelbaki, Rector of the University of Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella.

- The managers of the 32 establishments in the West region.

Current location of the CRUO

Regional Conference of Western Universities

University of Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella

Secretariat of the Regional Conference of Western Universities

Rectory of the University of Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella (ex: IAP)

BP 1524 El M'naouer 31000 oran

TEL / FAX: +213 (0) 41 58 19 47 / +213 (0) 41 58 19 41

Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Reference: Official Journal of July 29, 2001 Executive Decree No. 01-208 of July 23, 2001Page 15,16 article 4,5,6


In the framework of the implementation of the mission defined in article 43 of the law n ° 99-05 of 18 Dhou El Hidja 1419 corresponding to April 4, 1999, modified, abovementioned, the regional bodies, denominated hereafter " Regional University Conferences ", are each responsible in its respective area of ​​geographical competence for issuing opinions and recommendations, in particular on:

Prospects for the development of the map of higher education and any project for its modification;
Prospects for the development of the network of higher education institutions and any project for its modification;
Ways and means of setting up regional networks for the development of scientific and technical information;
Plans to regulate the number of holders of the baccalaureate diploma and the determination of the resulting needs Prospects for the development of scientific research in higher education institutions;
Ways and means of promoting the results of scientific research, particularly in the context of the partnership;
Ways and means of developing regional interuniversity cooperation, particularly in terms of encouraging the mobility of teaching and research staff; - Measures to improve the system of evaluation and progression in university studies;
Draft regulatory texts of an educational, scientific and administrative nature;

The number of regional university conferences and their respective geographical areas of competence are set by order of the Minister of Higher Education.

[Reference: Official Journal of July 29, 2001 Executive Decree No. 01-208 of July 23, 2001Page 15 article 2,3]


Three (03) permanent commissions are created within the Regional Conference of Universities of the West:

Regional Pedagogical Coordination Commission;

The post-graduation coordination commission and research;

The Coordination Commission for External Relations;

The Prospective Committee.

Other technical commissions may be created at the initiative of the Western Regional Conference.


Regional Conference of Western Universities
University Oran 1 Ahmed Ben BellaVisitez le Site Web 
Secretariat of the Regional Conference Universities of the West
Central University Library (BUC), 2nd floor
Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed University
(Belgaid Campus)
 PHONE : +213 (0) 41 51 91 32  /  +213 (0) 41 51 91 36
PHONE (Rectory)  : +213 (0) 41 58 19 47 


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Envoi_675-SG_01-7-2023 A/S Période de soutenance des Projets 1275


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